
Human design reflector
Human design reflector

I found this from and the same info in other places:Įvery day is different for the Human Design Reflector because they are lunar beings.

human design reflector

#Human design reflector how to

Be sure to check out the best oils for Generators, Manifestors, Projectors and Manifesting Generators to see what oils might work best for your loved ones as well.Ĭheck out my podcast episodes on Essential Oils for Each Human Design Type, Essential Oils for Burnout, Essential Oils for Stress, or Loving Yourself with Human Design and Essential Oils.My friend is a Reflector and I would love to understand how to figure out how Reflectors change with the cycles of the moon. Reflectors, do any other oils work for you? In what context do you use the ones that work best for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts below. Protect your buoyant heart and dissolve disappointment with Peppermint. It may come from making decisions too quickly, feeling invisible to others or seeing potential that is not lived up to in either another person or in humanity. For Reflectors, disappointment is the benchmark emotion showing you that your decisions are incorrect or out of alignment with your strategy. Balance® (grounding blend) or Frankincense essential oil can aid you in this.Īll of the types have an overarching emotional theme in life. One of your lessons this lifetime is to learn to surrender to the waiting and to stay grounded in the process. In this fast-paced world, waiting can be extremely difficult. Cleanse stagnant feelings and limiting beliefs that might be preventing you from moving forward into a fulfilling expression of yourself with Lemon & Tea Tree (melaleuca) essential oil. Reflectors are wise observers, facilitators and are here to guide humanity to a peaceful and just community. Once you’ve waited out your moon cycle, you can freely pursue the career that feels right for you. Your strategy is to slow down and wait one lunar cycle for clarity in all major decisions. Lavender or Frankincense can help you wind down and Balance® (grounding blend) & Aroma Touch® (massage blend) can help restore your energy and ground you. Lay down horizontally for up to one hour before you would like to be asleep in order to release the energy from the day.

human design reflector

Your body might enjoy massages, cuddling or hugging to wind down and de-stress. Discharge energy that doesn’t belong to you with Tea Tree (melaleuca)and Lemon.īecause you are taking in energy all day (and all night depending on who you sleep by), schedule alone time to rest and restore. You take in so much when you’re out in the world, so help yourself digest an overload of information, food & other’s energy with Digest Zen® (digestive blend) & Peppermint. Go out in nature and have a dedicated “aura-free” space to release the energy you picked up during the day. Wherever you are, allow yourself to feel the harmony of your surroundings with Frankincense.Īs a sensitive being, self-care and eliminating overwhelm is extremely important. This can be easier said than done of course, so begin by creating healthy boundaries with: On Guard® (protective blend). Find a healthy community and protect yourself from energy & people that don’t feel good. When the your surroundings are healthy, so are you. You reflect the health of the environment around you. It’s of utmost importance for you to find the right environment, geographic location & people. Reflectors, you are a wise observer and you’re here to be a mirror for your community.

human design reflector

You can also check out the best essential oils for Generators, Projectors, Manifesting Generators and Manifestors by clicking on the respective links. At the end of the day, the Essential Oil that you are drawn to is the right one for you! If you’re looking for a place to start, however, read on to learn which oil might be best for you based on the different aspects of your Type.

Human design reflector